Is it safe to swallow poop? I

It has often been asked, and answered, but is it safe to eat poop, or might I get some horrible disease.

Well we have the answer. The answer is “yes”.

You can get an illness from eating just about anything, no matter how careful you are. There are often articles that say poop has been found on ‘normal’ food.

We look at people like Santara, Veronica Moser and the others who say they do (or did) eat poop on multiple occasions and have never had problems. They could be fibbing, of course.

We have eaten poop and never had a problem. We know others who have done so too and never had problems.

It doesn’t mean you won’t. Or that you will.

There are plenty of places that say eating your own poop is probably reasonably safe, but eating others’ may be a lottery. There are others that say anything nasty that can happen will happen.

Here is just one site, picked at random:

Everything has consequences. The truth is, we don’t know. You don’t know. There are scare sites and there are people who say it’s just fine.

There’s lots of speculation, and that’s all it is. Like so many web things, you can find anything you want and have any beliefs reinforced.

Our advice: if you want to do it, do it and see what happens. If you have reservations, don’t do it.

Not helpful at all. Sorry.

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